
Misha's Drama Trip


Okay I know I don't really start off my posts like that- I'm a little formal BUT OH MY FUCK TODAY WAS SO DAMN SCARY AND FUN AND SIUGHDYHGFYUGDBIDBDIUGDU

Okay so you may remember on Monday I made this post:

This Week On The Life Of Misha

And on Wednesday I wrote "DRAMA PERFORMANCE" Uhh well IT FUCKING HAPPENED.

But let me go through the day. So I didn't go to school in the morning. I woke up, put on my own clothes. (YES NO UNIFORM) Which looked something like this:

Anyway so after getting dressed I ate breakfast etc. Normal morning routine, I left the house to go to the theatre I was performing at. Now I could have got two buses. Either the 1_0 or the 3_1 (the blanks are so I don't complete the bus number. SAFETY FIRST ;)) So my mum was coming with me since she was going shopping in the area near the theatre anyway.

So she says let's get the 3_1! So we wait but it doesn't come so we get the _8 instead and get off half way. Just as we get off we miss another bus that we could have gotten and while we're waiting for another bus we can get TWO 3_1 BUSES DRIVE PAST FUCK.

Anyway so we do a tech rehearsal and stuff and get everything sorted. Now more fun bits:

After rehearsal's we were dismissed from the theatre and we had to go back to school on our own since my teacher was driving her car. Now us being stupid we went to the bus station saw the bus we thought we were meant to get BUT it ended up going BACK TO NEAR THE THEATRE. We literally walked up to the bus station for no damn reason. So we went back up there. Waited several minutes for the bus while meeting up with other people in our class, scared we're going to be late.

There's more but I'm not bothered to talk about the actual day because OMFG when the play started :O

1) I was bursting for the toilet and I was scared that I'll pee in my pants on stage
2) Just when I said the word "shit" in the play, I notice my brother in the crowd and omg his face was just.
He had the straightest face EVER with his eyes glaring at me like "I'm disappointed in you" his arms were crossed. I SWEAR I WAS ABOUT TO FAINT.
3) People forgot their lines and I knew them. That was kinda weird since they've been practising their lines for FOUR MONTHS. I've only read through their lines several times when our teacher told us to read the play to become familiar with it. HOW CAN I KNOW IT BETTER THAN YOU?! -_-
4) I nearly laughed on stage.

But seriously afterwards I felt like screaming "AT FUCKING LAST YESSSSSSSS"

Oh and My teacher filmed it and is going to put it on youtube -_-
I mean yeah I have my own channel but you know, with the school..uhh not cool.

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Respect The Planet Earth