
School tomorrow..


It's school tomorrow!!

Do you want to know what lessons I have??

-First&Second Period- Drama. I'm so friggin scared, we're getting our results and we have to do auditions for a play and it's so stressful D: WAHHHHH

-Third Period- Physics. PHYSICS!! God it's so boring! *LE CREYS*

-Fourth Period- MATHS! Seriously.. it's like my teachers want to make my life miserable. Boring lesson after boring lesson -_-

Now if you thought those were bad,

P.E.!! We're doing fitness. We have to move for the whole lesson and not stop. We're doing things like Zumba! And however good that is for losing weight, it looks weird, feels weird, and hurts like hell!

But I have to -_- plus I'm gonna have a new form tutor and I'm scared, I'm gonna miss Mr. Fountain. He was epic!! He was funny, making jokes all the time, he was also my history teacher and he connected things that happened before with things happening now. He did roleplays!! The best bit was he would give us most stuff to stick in. We wouldn't have to write much. Our lessons were more discussions and debates than writing essays :(

Another note: I've had this brilliant idea!!

Troll mode activated
You see everyone forgets my birthday but they always seem to know when to message me on facebook due to it telling them. So I'm gonna change the date of my birthday, and let all the nice messages come in then change it back the next day and watch all the messages come in again when it's actually my birthday. Not only will people be confused, I'll know which bitches are the ones who act like their my friends when they're not!! It'll also be funny getting conversations like:

Random girl: Happy Birthday!
Me: It's not my birthday..
RG: But it says so on facebook
Me: Yeah well tough luck bitch.. (Obviously I won't call them a bitch and I probably won't even reply to them, but it'll be funny seeing them all confused :D) Heehee...

But I don't know what date to choose!! I don't want to make it too far away from my birthday because some people know it's in Spring or in May but I don't want to make it too close because it won't make much of a difference. So maybe you could give me ideas??

I'll take screenshots and everything on the day when everyone says happy birthday and at the end I'll also give 'em a little message. Haven't been on facebook in a while and now I think it's for some fun


Adios Amigos!!

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