
It's Wednesday!!

Yo! It's WEDNESDAY!! So if ya read my post from before..you'll know today is my posting day!!


Well I didn't really know what to talk about so I thought "Hmm I guess I never really explained my blog change" and I've always meant to get around to doing that so....

This post is all about why my blog looks like it does now and how it's 100% me.

*Tense Music Plays*
(hang on why would tense music play? *scratches head*)
*Tense Music Stops*
Let's just begin..
Things in my blog that make it 100% me:
Thing 1) My banner..
So from left to right how this banner is 100% me:
1) After Kat introduced me to PLUR and made me fall in love with it I created the plur banner thing myself.
2) Using BannedStory4 (Link :www.maplesimulator.com/programs/bannedstory) I created myself as a cartoon ^_^ That's what I looked like at the time
3) I made the Sora fanart thing using Inkscape
4) Even though it's quite hard to see it's a girl who's crying and in her tears are the words she's been called/ could be called.
Thing 2) The background
I really like Doctor Who which is about Space and Time if you look at the bigger picture and I also love Science so I think it reflects two of the things I really love.
Thing 3) The gadgets.
There are no longer billions of gadgets and games at the bottom of my blog. I have a wattpad widget which leads to my wattpad page where you can read my stories. I have a slide show at the bottom of fanart I made but for some reason it only shows two (Naruto and Raichu) and a poptropica picture is in it too.. then I have the usual ones like Followers, Page Views etc.
Thing 4) The posts and how I lay them out
You may have noticed that since I changed my blog I've been a bit more open? Or myself? And how I lay out my posts, I find them a bit more organised in my opinion.
So there you have it; you now know how this blog actually reflects my life. The life of a 14 year old British fangirl who is addicted to her laptop. Even though this is 3 months late *facepalm* I would like to say..
"Ever since I changed my blog is has been 100% Me-sha. And I hope it will be in the future"
So if you see me sounding different in the future copy this quote and paste it in my face to remind me that I'm unique and I should be myself :D
Overall I think the change was successful. I feel like I connect with you guys more and people actually come on my blog these days ^_^ I feel so loved. I THANK OF ALL YOU!! Every single one of my 13 followers. I thank the people that followed me at the start and supported me, I thank the people who followed me in August when I wasn't posting as much and made me feel happy and reminded me about here, I thank the people that followed me recently and gave me hope that people actually do read this and I'm not talking to myself, but most of all: I thank everyone who actually reads my posts even if you don't follow me, because I feel honoured and loved knowing that someone out there actually cares about me. I love you all.

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