
2 fun day's in a row!!

Well Today I had another fun day coz I went to a park!! Not a plain park, a proper big one! Anywaiiz The day started off with my mum's friends and sons coming round. We then got the bus to the park. When we first got to the park we sat down and had food, but since I'm fasting I didn't have any :(. We then went to the sand pit and attempted to make a sand castle. We failed. We then attempted to make a huge hole =D. We failed again *facepalm* The best part of the day, in my opinion was when we saw all the different animals and plants! Here are some pics I took:

A peacock!! ♫♪ I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock your peacock-cock your peacock-cock-cock your peacock-cock!♪♫ Sorreh about that, just a song by Katy Perry. Anyway there's the peacock! It never showed it's feathers though :( #SADTIMES.

Then here is another picture of the peacock, but luckily this time it is showing it's head and not preening it's self [Preening means when you make yourself look good]

Then here is a squirrel. Nothing exciting...Who am I kidding?! No matter old you are, if you see a squirrel you will gasp and shriek!!

Next is a...I dunno what it is to be honest [*facepalm*] but I thought it looked pretty so I took a picture of it. :D

Now here is a goldfish. A BIG goldfish..Daamn! And it's got it's own lil' 'tashe! Cute! Kind of...It's a little creepy..

MORE BIRDS!!! I was on a picture frenzy so half the pictures I don't even know why I took.

It's a pretty little fountain thing...*facepalm* I'm such an idiot! I don't know half of what these things are.

Now something I do know! A WATERFALL! A pretty one at it too. You can see the aqua liquid flow delicately along the big grey slabs creating a refreshing feel for all the inhabitants. Sorry I love describing stuff :D

Another peacock!! There were LOOADS!! But this lil' peacock was just hangin' on a wall and I thought to myself, it will be a nice pic!

And another peacock! Oo and there were these mirror things. 5 of them in total and they were in a circle. I was gonna take a pic of them while I was in the middle but I wasn't bothered. A bird's eye view of it would have looked amazing but it wasn't possible :(

Some pretty flowers!

And some more pretty flowers!!
So that was everything I saw on my trip to the park!! Also one of the boys I had to look after has a crush on me *facepalm* I had to hold his hand and he would hug my arm and kiss it :O. I told him it's rude but he'd do it anyway...*sigh* That's what I get for being so HAWWT! Lol jus' kidding. I ain't hot..I'm alright, *shrug* That's not for me to say actually. I mean to some I may be Hawwt and to others I may be the ugliest girl alive (Hope not) I guess it's all on the person's taste.

Over and Out~
Super Misha Gamer.

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